Are you struggling with a keloid and considering cryotherapy as an alternative to surgery? Cryotherapy could be the solution. The keloids cryotherapy benefits include an excellent outcome without pain.
Keloids are thickened, rigid scars caused by excess collagen production. These are common on the chest, back, neck, upper arms, and shoulders after injury or surgery. While they look unsightly and can be uncomfortable, cryotherapy is a minimally invasive method of treating keloids without having to resort to surgical procedures.
Cryotherapy for keloids Miami Beach is a new but growing trend for treating these types of scars. It requires careful application of freezing agents for several minutes at a time and can be used alone or in combination with other therapies. The benefits of cryotherapy for treating keloids and hypertrophic scars are numerous, making it a popular choice among those looking for a safe and effective way to treat their skin condition.
How does Cryotherapy treat keloids?
Cryotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for keloids and hypertrophic scars, especially in darker skin types. During the procedure, a cold gas or liquid nitrogen is applied to the affected area, which causes the skin surface temperature to drop and significantly reduces the volume of the keloid tissue.
Studies have shown that external cryotherapy can reduce the rate of recurrence of auricular keloids by up to 50%. The clinical implications of this are significant, as it can provide relief from symptoms associated with keloid scars while also helping to prevent further scarring.
The temperature of the skin during cryotherapy is important to consider when treating keloids and hypertrophic scars, as it can affect skin pigmentation. For darker skin types, the temperature should be kept lower than normal to avoid any potential damage to the skin.
Benefits of Cryotherapy on keloids
1. Non-Invasive Treatment
Unlike surgical interventions for treating keloids, cryotherapy is a non-invasive treatment option without any side effects such as pain or post-procedure recovery time off from work or activities of daily living such as bathing or dressing changes. There is also no risk of infection which may occur with surgically based treatment of keloids.
This makes it particularly appealing to those who are looking for an alternative way to manage their keloid without having to undergo extensive treatments or surgical excision.
In addition to cryotherapy, there are other treatments available for keloid scars. Pressure therapy is a non-invasive treatment that involves the application of pressure to the affected area in order to reduce inflammation and pain associated with keloid scars. Intralesional steroid injections can also be used to reduce inflammation and pain associated with keloids.
Laser treatment is another option for treating keloids, as it helps to reduce the size of the scar tissue while also helping to prevent further scarring. Corticosteroid injections are also an effective treatment for reducing inflammation and pain associated with keloid scars, as well as helping to prevent further scarring. All of these treatments can be used in combination with cryotherapy for optimal results in the treatment of keloid scars.
2. Reduced Pain and Swelling
The intense cold from cryotherapy is known to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and improve blood flow to the area. It is often used for conditions of localized swelling such as keloid scars, which can sometimes be quite painful. With cryotherapy, cold temperatures constrict blood vessels in the area and cause a decrease in inflammation and swelling.
3. Minimizes Itching
Keloids can cause extreme itching, which can be both painful and incredibly distracting when left untreated. Cryotherapy leads to vasoconstriction, meaning it reduces blood flow to the keloid scar and minimizes the itchiness caused by keloids significantly.
Cryosurgery for keloids is also a viable option for treating those that have developed from body piercings, such as ear piercing. Cryotherapy can help minimize itching associated with keloids due to its ability to reduce inflammation and improve blood flow. For those looking for an alternative way to manage their keloid scars without undergoing surgery or other invasive treatments, cryosurgery may be a viable option.
4. Improved Skin Texture
The best cryotherapy for keloids has been shown to improve skin texture as well as improve overall skin appearance by reducing the size of a keloid scar. The intense cool temperature causes a decrease in collagen production and destroys keloid blood supply while also activating natural products like antioxidants that can help to reduce inflammation and improve skin elasticity. This ultimately leads to smoother-looking skin with improved texture and tone.
5. Minimized Scarring
Keloids are often difficult to treat because they tend to grow back after removal or treatment approaches like corticosteroids or laser therapy has been used. Cryotherapy works on two levels by both shrinking existing lesions as well as helping new bruises heal faster without leaving too much of a mark behind due to its anti-inflammatory effects.
Because cryotherapy involves freezing parts of the skin that are prone to scarring or infection, it minimizes any further damage caused by these types of treatments that could potentially lead to further scarring or discoloration on the skin’s surface.
Intralesional cryotherapy is an effective treatment for larger keloids and hypertrophic scars, as it can help to reduce the size of the scar tissue while also helping to prevent further scarring. This type of cryotherapy involves injecting a cold liquid directly into the affected area, which helps to reduce inflammation and pain associated with keloids.
It is important to note that this type of cryotherapy should only be used on lighter skin, as it can cause damage to darker skin types. Additionally, intralesional cryotherapy has been shown to reduce scar volume by up to 50%, making it an effective treatment option for those looking for relief from keloid symptoms.
6. Stops Keloid Recurrence
Keloid recurrence rates following successful cryotherapy treatment hover around 5% which is significantly less than what is seen with other forms of Keloid management strategies where up to 50% could see their keloid recurring.
Combination therapy is a popular approach to treating keloids, as it combines cryotherapy with other treatments such as corticosteroid injections or laser therapy. This type of treatment can be used to reduce the size of existing keloids and also help prevent a recurrence. Additionally, cryotherapy can be used in combination with surgical scar revision to reduce the volume of scars and improve their appearance.
Cryotherapy is an effective treatment for reducing the size and volume of surgical scars, while also helping to minimize itching and inflammation associated with them. By combining cryotherapy with other treatments, patients can experience improved results in terms of both scar reduction and overall skin health.
7. Accelerated Healing Time
Cryotherapy prevents scar formation due to its accelerated healing time, which helps prevent excessive collagen accumulation that would otherwise occur if left untreated or treated with other methods over a longer period (for instance with laser therapies). The intense cooling temperatures promote better circulation around the keloid promoting healing agents like proteins, growth factors, and oxygen into the area stimulating tissue regeneration without scar formation.
8. Rapid Results
Compared to other traditional treatment options such as surgery or radiation treatments, results are much more rapid and accelerated allowing patients complete relief at an expedited pace – within weeks instead of months! Allowing patients fast access back into everyday life that they might have missed out on before because of negative physical and/or psychosocial impacts posed by the presence/severity of their respective lesions/areas of interest.
Cryosurgery on keloids is often used as an alternative to excision, which involves surgically removing the scar tissue. Cryotherapy is effective in reducing the size of keloids and preventing further growth. The outcomes of cryosurgery vary depending on the size and location of the original injury, but studies have shown that it can reduce keloid growth by up to 50%.
9. Low cost
Cryotherapy is a low-cost keloid scar treatment with minimal pain when compared to other therapeutic techniques such as topical steroids or surgical intervention techniques like excision or steroid injections which are often more stressful for body cells as well as more costly than cryotherapy. This makes it an attractive option for many individuals who have limited options when it comes to treating keloids due to financial constraints but needs quick recovery times from their keloid.
Schedule Cryotherapy for keloids consultation
If you’re looking for a safe and effective way to reduce the size of your keloid scars, consider scheduling a consultation for cryotherapy with Dr. Mendez and Dr. Salloum. This treatment has been proven to be an effective treatment option for skin injuries. With minimal pain and low cost compared to other treatments, cryotherapy for keloids cost is an attractive option for those who need quick recovery times from their keloid scarring. Check our photo gallery and contact us today to learn more about how our sessions of cryotherapy can help decrease the volume of your keloids at The Keloid Plastic Surgery Center!